Monday, January 30, 2012

Boston RCC State Committee Event Tuesday 1/31

Tomorrow night (1/31), from 7-8:30 pm at the Park Street School (67 Brimmer Street, Boston, MA), the Boston RCC will be hosting a forum for all the GOP state committee candidates running to represent part of Boston. The forum will be moderated by none other than Rob Eno, probably best known as the head of RedMassGroup.

As the Middlesex and Suffolk District includes Charlestown, the West End, and parts of Allston and Brighton, I'll certainly be there, and I hope to see you too!

The first part of the forum permits each candidate to give a two-minute introductory speech, and I've copied the text of mine below. Please ask me for more specifics (it's only 2 minutes, remember!) or if you have any questions!

Boston RCC State Committee Candidate Forum
Opening Remarks

Good evening. I’m Michael Cowett from Cambridge, and I’m running in the Middlesex and Suffolk district, which in Boston includes Charlestown, the West End and some of Allston and Brighton. 
I’m running for state committee mindful of the highs and lows I’ve seen in the two years I’ve lived here. It was wonderful to cast my first vote in Massachusetts for Scott Brown. At the end of 2010, however, it was much less wonderful to watch the little success we did have here occur only in spite of the state committee. 
Electing Republican governors is certainly important, but we must also commit to broadening our efforts. We must focus more on contesting and winning down-ballot races for the executive offices, the General Court, city council and school board. After all, Scott Brown was a selectman, state rep, and state senator before becoming a US senator. 
State committee members must primarily work to strengthen the Republican Party within their districts. Part of that is being available as a resource, and if elected, I hope to emulate my friend Paul Ronukaitus, who’s running for re-election in the First Suffolk and Middlesex District but wasn’t able to be here tonight. Paul’s one of the good guys on the state committee: he shows up, unlike far too many others, and works hard on behalf of our party. Around here, party-building efforts must begin with forming local Republican committees and establishing an infrastructure for Republican success in every ward and precinct, and this would therefore be my first priority as a state committeeman.
Republicans have ignored this area for far too long. We must fight the Democrats for every vote in all 351 cities and towns of the Commonwealth. I’m running because I am ready, willing, and eager to help lead that fight and convince others to join me. I look forward to answering your questions, and I respectfully ask for your vote on March 6th.

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